Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Classification of animal kingdom

 Generally animal kingdom is divided into two main group. They are invertebrates and vertebrates.

 Invertebrates :- The animal without backbone or vertebral column are known as invertebrates. Such as insects, earthworm, protozoa, etc.
It is further divided into 9 phylum.They are listed below:
  1. Protozoa
  2. Porifera 
  3. Cnidaria 
  4. Platyhelminthes
  5. Nemathelminthes
  6. Annelida
  7. Arthropoda
  8. Mollusca
  9. Echinodermata

Vertebrates :- The animal with backbone or vertebral column are known as vertebrates.Such as Human, birds, fish, snakes etc. It is further divided into five class. They are listed as below:
  1. Aves
  2. Amphibia
  3. Mammalia
  4. Pisces
  5. Reptile 


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